Rites of Passage

An African proverb says:

If you do not initiate your young men into the tribe, they will come back and burn down the village just to feel the heat.

How can we, in our urban lives, initiate our children?

Spending time with initiated mentors, learning to lean into difficult feelings, and find safe places to express oneself, slowing down enough that we can actually listen to the important things, these are all pieces of this puzzle.

We are gathering a group of 11-15 year olds and a group of 14-17 year olds to explore their inner worlds by challenging themselves in the outer world. Meeting twice a month on Saturdays from September through June, including some overnights (exact dates still yet to be set), their journey will culminate with a Rite of Passage and being welcomed into their community.

Our Rite of Passage program is $2000/year per child. Payment of $200 plus annual fee of $50/family is due upon registering and reserves your spot. Additional payments of $200 are due at the beginning of every month through May.

Is your teen interested in joining us, starting in the fall of 2019?